AIA Names Day Vice President For State Affairs in West

February 11, 2015

The American Insurance Association has named Jay F. Day vice president of state affairs for the Western region.

The appointment is effective March 9. Day, who will join AIA’s Assistant Vice President Steve Suchil in the association’s Sacramento, Calif. office, will oversee AIA’s state affairs activities in the following states: Alaska; Arizona; California; Hawaii; Idaho; Montana; Nevada; Oregon; Utah; and Washington.

Day joins AIA from the office of California Assemblyman Jim Frazier, D-Oakley. Prior to that Day worked as a consultant for former Assembly Speaker John Perez, D-Los Angeles. He has also served in various capacities for a variety of legislators in the California Assembly and Senate since 1994.

AIA is a property/casualty insurance trade organization representing roughly 300 insurers that write more than $100 billion in premiums each year.