Mulready Wins GOP Primary for Insurance Commissioner, Faces Fobbs in November

June 29, 2018

Glen Mulready, a long-time insurance professional and state representative, in the June 26 primary won the Republican nomination to be Oklahoma’s next insurance commissioner.

He will face Democratic challenger Kimberly Fobbs in the November general election.

Mulready has 35 years of experience in the insurance industry. He has previously served as the Insurance Committee chairman in the Oklahoma House of Representatives and currently serves as the Floor Leader Emeritus.

Mulready won 218,849 votes in the primary election, winning the nomination by more than 38,000 votes, according to his campaign organization.

Fobbs is chair of the Tulsa County Democratic Party and is active Tulsa County politics, but this is the first time she has run for a statewide office.

Fobbs has served in management and leadership roles at the insurance and financial services company, MetLife. In addition to her role as chair of the Tulsa County Democratic Party, Fobbs has served on the Oklahoma Judicial Nominating Commission and is an advisor to SmartGrowth Tulsa. She also teaches women’s empowerment and business seminars, and also advocates for judicial independence for Oklahoma Courts.