Markets/Coverages: Aon Launches Partner Risk Insights

March 12, 2024

Aon plc, a global professional services firm, today announced the launch of Partner Risk Insights, a digital platform powered by CoverWallet, to help U.S. organizations simplify the way they manage insurance-related third-party risk.

The digital platform will serve as a command center for risk managers, procurement officers and general counsels to manage their businesses’ third-party networks, including suppliers, vendors, and commercial tenants. The platform’s real-time dashboard and advanced analytics will provide insights into insurance compliance status for third parties and enable more informed decision making.

Partner Risk Insights simplifies the traditional and tactical insurance verification process into a strategic and automated solution. The digital platform identifies third-party protection gaps and matches them with coverage options that can be purchased in real time digitally and with advice from Aon’s licensed brokers.

The platform provides clarity, visibility, insights and simplicity to match third-party insurance against risk standards, thus creating organizational efficiency and resiliency against potential liability and financial impact.