What P/C Insurance Leaders Read; Carrier Management Classics

February 24, 2023

Ten years ago this week, Wells Media announced the launch of CarrierManagement.com.

Mark Wells, executive chair of Wells Media Group, introduced the brand explaining, “There are other publications that target the executive suite of P/C insurance companies, but they talk mostly about insurance. Here, we’re talking more about management—about activities that don’t necessarily just relate to insurance or underwriting.”

*Carrier Management is a sister publication of Insurance Journal

Ten years later, it’s clear that we not only delivered on that mission—internally, we refer to it as being the Harvard Business Review of property/casualty insurance—but also that our leadership and management content is what our readers cared about most.

For easy reference, we’ve collected executive summaries of the 100 most popular features—10 for each full year we’ve published—so that you can quickly browse and locate the articles you need.

👉 Take a look at Carrier Management’s Greatest Hits.

👉 The collection includes free access links to each of the top articles of 2013-2022.

The summaries are arranged by topic. The most popular topic? Hands down our articles about leadership and management (managing yourself and managing your team) were the ones that captured the attention of today’s executives—and the next generation of leaders—who read and share our content, making up over one-third of the most-read features.

You’ll find classics like “Five Key Traits CEOs Look for When Hiring Talent” by former Crum & Forster CEO Doug Libby from 2013, and “An Open Letter to My Younger Self: Leadership Tips and Career Advice” by former Aspen Insurance CEO Mario Vitale from 2016. And intriguing titles like “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Knitting and Gender Bias in the Insurance Industry,” “Dealing With the Most Difficult People and Conversations at Work

Our journey through the top titles of 2013-2022 will bring you up to speed on the hottest insurance-y topics of the last 10 years too—predictive analytics, insurtech and social inflation, among others—and deliver practical advice to help you meet some of today’s business challenges related to hiring, retention, growth, performance and even stress management.

“Hey, we’re legit,” one of the younger members of our team said recently as he browsed through our content, realizing that Mark’s vision was not just on target for his own contemporaries but also for those readers more tuned into TikTok than LinkedIn.

Carrier Management members have continuing free access to exclusive content, including our most popular feature articles. Sign up if you’re not a current member to gain immediate access to the 2023 articles destined to be tomorrow’s classics.
