MS Amlin Names Everest Re’s Carrier as Chief Underwriting Officer as 3 Step Down

August 26, 2020

MS Amlin Underwriting Limited, the Lloyd’s (re)insurer, has appointed Andrew Carrier to the new position of chief underwriting officer.

Carrier will be responsible for managing all of MS AUL’s underwriting business, including the syndicate’s Reinsurance and Specialty Insurance divisions. He will review MS AUL’s underwriting portfolio and strategy, with a view to repositioning the business, where necessary, for future success.

Carrier joins Amlin from Everest Re, where he has been general manager for Europe and Asia-Pacific since 2014. Prior to that he was chief underwriting officer at Argo for seven years and an underwriter at Kiln for 23 years.

As part of an ongoing simplification of MS AUL’s operating model, the previous co-CUO management structure of MS AUL will be dissolved and the co-CUOs for Specialty Insurance, Andrew Wright and Mark Clements, along with the CUO for Reinsurance, Phil Wooldridge, will step down from their roles.

Carrier will report directly to Tom Clementi, CEO of MS AUL, who said the company has removed group and legacy structures, making the insurance companies “leaner, stand-alone entities”and strengthened its governance.

He said a “renewed approach to disciplined underwriting” will be central to the success of the long-term strategy.

Last November, MS Amlin announced a new operating model and senior leadership team in response to the recent decision by its parent company, MS&AD, to reorganize its international businesses.

The reorganization involves the removal of the regional holding company framework across Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance’s three regions, Asia, America and Europe, including MS Amlin Plc. Under the new structure, MS Amlin Plc have been removed and the corporate entities MS Amlin Underwriting Ltd. (MS AUL), MS Amlin AG (MS AAG), MS Amlin Insurance SE (MS AISE) and MS Amlin Business Services (MS ABS) are now owned directly by Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (MSI).