New York Woman Sentenced for Defrauding Workers’ Comp System of More Than $5K

March 16, 2020

New York State Inspector General Letizia Tagliafierro has announced the sentencing of a Rochester, N.Y., woman who defrauded the workers’ compensation system of more than $5,000 by endorsing and cashing wage reimbursement checks intended for her deceased grandmother.

Brandy Sheppard was sentenced to two-to-four years in state prison. She pled guilty in October to grand larceny in the third degree (D felony) and agreed to pay full restitution of $5,364.48.

An investigation by Tagliafierro found that Sheppard’s grandmother passed away on November 17, 2015. However, Sheppard received, endorsed and then cashed 23 workers’ compensation benefit checks intended for her grandmother between December 2015 and October 2016.

In total, Sheppard defrauded the workers’ compensation system by stealing $5,364.48 in benefits to which she was not entitled.

“This individual exploited the death of her grandmother for illicit personal gain,” Tagliafierro said in a press release issued by her office. “We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to hold those who steal from the workers’ compensation system accountable.”

Tagliafierro thanked Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley and her office for prosecuting this matter.

Source: New York State Offices of the Inspector General