Delaware Officials Say Several Insurers Received Fraudulent Invoice

November 12, 2015

The Delaware Department of Insurance issued a bulletin to all insurance carriers doing business in Delaware, warning them to look out for deceptive invoices.

The bulletin No. 80 (“Deceptive Solicitation From ‘Register Delaware'”), issued on Nov. 6, said it has come to the attention of the Delaware Department of Insurance that several insurance carriers have received “Past Due Notices” from an entity named “Register Delaware.”

The purported invoice states it is being sent as an “Annual Invoice for Statutory Representation.” The bulletin notes that the Delaware Department of Insurance has been informed that the form provided by Register Delaware is not a legitimate invoice or official annual report, and is not prescribed or recognized by the Delaware Division of Corporations.

Rather, it appears that this form is a deceptive solicitation, the bulletin said, adding that this matter is being investigated by the Consumer Protection Unit of the Delaware attorney general’s office. The department advises any Delaware insurance carrier that received such a solicitation or sent payment as a result of receiving this solicitation to complete a complaint form at the attorney general’s office website and contact the Consumer Protection Unit of the attorney general’s office.