Top Writers of Homeowners, Blizzard-Exposed Commercial Lines in New England

This past month’s cycle of blizzards and heavy snowfall in the Boston area and New England have been adding up to a significant impact in the region.
The following are the top U.S. writers of homeowners, auto and blizzard-exposed commercial lines of business in New England in terms of direct premiums written in 2013, from data obtained from state pages of statutory property/casualty annual statements filed with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and compiled by SNL Financial. (U.S. filers only. Data shown is a consolidation of data of statutory filers within the SNL-defined group structures and unaffiliated single companies.)
In New England, top U.S. writers of homeowners policies in 2013 in terms of direct premiums written included Liberty Mutual ($528.0 million), Chubb Corp. ($299.5 million), Travelers Cos. Inc. ($284.7 million), MAPFRE ($276.5 million) and Allstate Corp. ($228.9 million), according to data compiled in January by SNL.
Top U.S. writers in auto physical damage policies in New England in 2013 included MAPFRE ($519.0 million in 2013 direct premiums written in auto physical damage lines), Liberty Mutual Group Inc. ($518.9 million), Berkshire Hathaway Inc. ($314.7 million), Allstate Corp. ($268.5 million) and Progressive Corp. ($241.6 million)
Top U.S. writers of blizzard-exposed commercial lines of business in New England in terms of 2013 direct premiums written included Travelers Cos. Inc. ($194.4 million in direct premiums written in 2013), Liberty Mutual ($163.3 million), FM Global ($136.3 million), American International Group ($115.7 million) and Hanover Insurance Group Inc. ($110.5 million). (SNL defined blizzard-exposed commercial lines of business as those with the highest probability of losses due to the recent snow storms. For this data, that is fire, allied lines and commercial multi peril non-liability lines of businesses.)
Source: SNL Financial