November 13, 2000

Deborah Senn, Insurance Commissioner of Washington State, announced that she will hold a public hearing on Nov. 20 to assess the progress that European insurance companies are making in the international effort to compensate Holocaust victims and their heirs. Allianz AG (Germany), Axa (France), Assicurazioni Generali (Italy), Zurich and Winterthur (Switzerland) were all requested to attend the hearing and to testify about the status of the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (ICHEIC) process as well as their company’s specific experience to date. Former U.S. Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, who heads the ICHEIC, was also invited to attend. Some of the Washington residents who have filed more than 400 claims with ICHEIC may testify as well. Commissioner Senn said information compiled at the hearing would be used to prepare a report for the 2001 session of the Washington State Legislature.