Specialized Truck Equipment

March 8, 2004

Nuts & Bolts: With its newly enhanced STEP SPICE policy endorsement, The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. unveiled new additions to its multi-line program for manufacturers, distributors, installers and repairers of specialized truck equipment. The STEP program includes new property coverages that address real life risk.

Dollars: The Hartford’s Specialized Truck Equipment Program’s STEP SPICE policy endorsement adds new features such as, extra expense (incurred after, from a covered loss) with $25,000 limits, lock re-keying or replacement with a limit of $10,000; and newly acquired or constructed property-buildings with a $2 million limit. At the same time the program expands some existing policy limits, including, employee dishonesty coverage (theft by employee) from its current $15,000 to $100,000, forgery/monies and securities limits from $15,000 to $25,000 and utility services limits from $15,000 to $90,000. This coverage provides built-in protection for direct physical loss or damage to the insured’s property when caused by interruption of off premises utility services.

Carrier: The Hartford rated “A+ XV.”

States Available: All states except, Alaska, Hawaii, Indiana and Louisiana.

Contact: Maureen Johansen, (888) 947-6915 or maureen.johansen@thehartford.com or Lisa Doherty, lisa.doherty@thehartford.com.