Risk Theory launches new multifamily habitational program, Jupiter Risk Services.

November 29, 2022 by

Dallas, TX., November 23, 2022 — Jupiter Risk Services (Jupiter) has timed the mark perfectly, opening for business during a time many others have greatly reduced capacity or left the market completely. The entry of Jupiter as a national property program is a welcome change to US habitational landscape. Jupiter is open and primed for new business growth while focused on building a profitable portfolio.

Jupiter has demonstrated a unique ability to attract reinsurance capacity during a time when competitors are struggling to keep their doors open. While increases in rates and deductibles continue to dominate the property market, Jupiter has added new plays to their play book by introducing new terms and conditions never seen in the market.

Jupiter isn’t about reducing coverage; in fact, their coverage offerings are world class compared to the competition. Jupiter is about changing the way MGU’s interact with their producers and clients to create a unique relationship focused on long term success for all involved.

Jupiter’s underwriting operations are based in Addison, TX, providing non-admitted coverage throughout most states in the US, distributed via retail agents. Jupiter writes business on a non-admitted basis through an A- VIII rated carrier.

Coverages available through Jupiter include Building Property and Other Real Property, Business Personal Property, Business Income, Ordinance/Law (A, B, C, D) and many other industry leading coverages. Unlike other property programs, Jupiter does not have coinsurance penalties which are unfavorable to producers and insureds. Jupiter provides a Managed Repair program that offers concierge-like services after a loss allowing insureds to focus on building their business. Jupiter does not offer coastal Tier 1 or Tier 2 coverage.

Risks being targeted include garden-style apartments and condominiums. There are no limitations on building ages or loss experience. The program requires a minimum 60% occupancy rate, and all properties must be managed by a professional management company or have a property manager on sight.

For more information about Jupiter Risk Services please visit us at www.jupiterrisk.com or email us at Info@jupiterrisk.com.

About Risk Theory, LLC

Founded in 2012, Risk Theory is a privately held specialty lines insurance manager with a dedicated focus on delivering niche property & casualty insurance products to underserved markets. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Risk Theory is licensed to place policies in every state through its nationwide network of producers. Our mission is rooted in pairing market experts with essential products to drive the value and service needed to win in today’s complex world. For more information, please visit www.risktheory.com.