Louisiana Citizens Opens Search for Catastrophe Service Vendors

January 19, 2021 by

Request for Proposals Announcement

Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corp. (“LCPIC”), has released a new request for proposals for vendors to service insurance claims after a catastrophe, such as in response to a hurricane.

Proposals from applicants can be submitted on any of five distinct Service Categories; (A) Primary Catastrophe Claims Administration Services, (B) Secondary Catastrophe Claims Administration Services, (C) Catastrophe Independent Adjusting Services, (D) Catastrophe Desk Adjusting Services, and (E) Catastrophe First Notice of Loss Call Center Services. The Primary Catastrophe Claims Administrator will be responsible for overseeing the claims processes during a CAT, as well as, provide their own field and desk adjusters to handle the corresponding claims. The Secondary Back up Catastrophe Administrator will provide back up support to the Primary Administrator, providing their own field and desk adjusters. Catastrophe Independent Adjusting and Catastrophe Desk Adjusting Service firms will provide support to the administrator and will have to provide adjusters. Catastrophe FNOL call center services must have the ability to respond to more than 2,500 calls a day immediately following a hurricane.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 4:00 PM Monday, February 8, 2021. To obtain the full RFP specifications visit https://www.lacitizens.com/claims-center/rfp-cat-services.

You can also send questions to:

Stephanie Jackson, Senior Director | Claims
Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation
1 Galleria Blvd, Suite 720
Metairie, Louisiana 70001
(E) RFP@lacitizens.com

The full Calendar of Events for the RFP is: