$4MM Commission – CA Preferred Personal Lines Agency For Sale by Ace Business Brokers

May 4, 2016 by

Santa Monica, CA, May 4, 2016 – Ace Business Brokers announces a Southern California preferred personal lines agency for sale:

  • $4 million in commissions
  • 16,500+ client base
  • Retention rates in 90’s
  • Adjusted Net income $2.9 million
  • Portable opportunity – ideal roll-up for any Buyer nationwide
  • Smaller transaction possible – buy 1 office only ($1.6 million revenue) at a discounted enterprise valuation.

For a 22 page Confidential Information Memorandum, request an NDA by going to: http://broker.bizbuysell.com/AceBusinessBrokers

Or call (800) 985-4939 today to learn more.

Ace Business Brokers provides complimentary agency valuation services for all kinds of insurance enterprises nationwide. We have sold and have a pool of Buyers for non standard or preferred personal lines and commercial lines agencies, niche specialty operations, health/benefits books, MGA’s, and life/financial planning focused companies. We only collect a success fee once the seller is paid, no up-front retainer or contingency fees are ever charged. We have an ever-growing Seller (1-4 new transaction announcements monthly) & Buyer database (6,000+ strong). Ace Business Brokers has a core focus and expertise in the insurance space with over 75 insurance agency transactions closed nationwide since 2010. All inquiries are confidential in nature, please contact Rick Carlson, President at rickcarlson@acebusinessbrokers.com

Visit our website: http://broker.bizbuysell.com/acebusinessbrokers