Einsteinsurance.com Launches Free Beta And Invites Agents To Submit Content

October 25, 2012 by

Minneapolis, MN, 10/25/12 – Einsteinsurance, an online consumer knowledgebase, is offering a limited number of insurance agents free access to provide content and promote their online properties.

After 3 quick months of website development, Einsteinsurance.com is opening it’s digital doors in beta on Monday. The website, which features a large number of commonly asked insurance questions, only allows licensed insurance agents to answer.

Einsteinsurance founder Justin Blase stated “We identified a need for consumers to be able to have auto, health, home and life insurance questions answered prior to being engaged in a sales conversation. At the same time, there is an obligation to provide sound, trustworthy answers to these questions – and that’s hard given the choice of popular question & answer sites on the web today.”

Beginning Monday, any licensed insurance agent can sign up at Einsteinsurance.com and begin choosing from hundreds of the most commonly asked insurance questions and answering the questions. In addition to providing an answer, agents have the ability to add links to their websites, include their phone numbers and add any other contact information.

According to Blase, “Savvy agents and insurance marketing professionals should pay close attention to the opportunity. Not only does this provide new, free visibility in search engines for agents – but they can also promote their other web properties and strengthen their entire online strategy. Think about the opportunities associated with being able to answer a question like ‘Can I get life insurance with high blood pressure?“- and include all of your contact information.”

To get started, visit http://www.einsteinsurance.com/insurance-professionals to view an informational video and sign up for free access.

Einsteinsurance is an online insurance knowledgebase featuring intelligent answers to the most commonly asked insurance questions. Visit Einsteinsurance.com today.