Trade Group Insurance Specialties, Inc. Celebrates March Madness

March 16, 2011 by

San Diego – March 16, 2011 – Trade Group Insurance Specialties, Inc.has announced that in celebration of its 4th year in business serving as a General Wholesaler and Specialty Program Provider that during March 2011 it would offer 15% commission, on the following Lines of non Program Business: E&O, D&O (non-profit), Employment Practices Liability (EPLI), Excess/Umbrella, and General Liability.

The offer is good for all new business bound in the month of March, and the same commission extends to future renewals. This offer is open to all new and existing agents and covers most States.

Other Nationwide Products offered by Trade Group Insurance Specialties, Inc., on an exclusive and wholesale basis, include: the FLOW Traffic Control Program, which offers insurance coverage to entities in the Traffic Control Industry, and Commercial / License and Permit Surety Bonds.

For inquires:

Please visit
Phone (866) 366-7938
Please ask for Scott Morgan