National Contractors Insurance Company, Inc., a Risk Retention Group

February 1, 2007

Making General Liability Insurance affordable for General and Artisan Contractors.

National Contractors Insurance Company, Inc., a Risk Retention Group (NCIC) specializes in general liability insurance for the licensed general and artisan contractor. Minimum Premium for most artisan classes and markets begin at $1,500, general contractors at $3,000. Industry required endorsements such as Blanket Additional Insured Endorsements are standard, Primary Wording and Waivers of Subrogation are also available.

Markets Served: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Texas, Utah, and Washington DC


  • Preferential Member Rates & Conditions
  • Highly Competitive Pricing
  • Stable, Long-Term Coverage
  • User Friendly Forms
  • Efficient Risk Management
  • Quality Loss Control
  • Highly Specialized Construction Knowledge
  • Quick Binding & Quote Service Typically Within 48 Hours


  • Manuscript Occurrence – Full and Optional 2 Year Sunsets available in most states.
  • Rating is based on Estimated Gross Receipts for the coming year.
  • New ventures welcome.
  • Premium Financing available with 25% down + 100% applicable fees due at binding.
  • Blanket Additional Insured Endorsements – Issued with each policy.
  • Additional Insured Endorsement with Primary Wording – Additional Fee.
  • Waver of Subrogation – Additional Fee.
  • No reassessment.
  • Forms available online at


If your agency specializes in the construction industry, and you’re looking to form an edge, please contact:

Pascal Burke
Cell: 949-285-1249