FastSnap Photo Service Helps Insurers Handle Wilma Claims

November 3, 2005

Reseda, CA – FastSnap’s network of photographers is available to help insurers and agents document hurricane losses in South Florida.

“Our role usually fits on the underwriting side, but in this situation, we can help claims departments, too,” says Jerry Burg, CEO. “Most insurers were already overwhelmed by the volume of claims from Katrina and Rita. There are just not enough adjusters out there to handle yet another hurricane in a major metropolitan area.”

FastSnap offers high-quality digital photos of any real or personal property, including vehicles, streets, and intersections, to provide insurers with more accurate information quickly and efficiently.

While FastSnap photographers are not claims adjusters, Burg points out, the FastSnap network can assist insurers in making damage assessments. “Our photographers can provide photos of homes, businesses, and vehicles, to help document property damage.” This gives the claims department some “breathing room”. “It may be weeks or months before insurers can respond to all these losses,” says Burg. “We can help insurers and agents document the extent of damage before cleanup begins.”

The FastSnap web site lets insurance adjusters, underwriters, agents and brokers order digital snapshots taken by local photographers. Multiple photographers compete with aggressive pricing and fast turnaround times.

FastSnap’s photographers post digital photos to the web site, usually within 3 to 5 business days, which enables customers to assess information quickly and offer insurers a clear picture of the damage to a particular property. High-resolution photos can be printed directly from the web site at no extra charge, and frequent users can save their settings to speed up data entry on multiple orders.

For more information, email Jerry Burg at More information is online at

For more info regarding this release, please contact Jerry Burg – 877-764-1980