People Moves: SLA of California Elects New Leadership

April 12, 2024

The Surplus Line Association of California (SLA), headquartered in San Ramon, California, elected Rich Gobler of Burns and Wilcox as chair of the SLA Board of Directors.

Also elected to leadership were John Washington of Arch Insurance Group as vice chair and Sarah Nichols of Crum and Forster as secretary/treasurer. Outgoing chair Janet Beaver of Aurenity remains on the board as past chair after two years as chair.

Kristopher Bauer of Jencap Specialty and Jon Larson of ACE Westchester joined the 13-member board. Bauer served on the Board of Directors from 2007-09, while Larson is joining the board for the first time.

Completing the 13-member board are the following individuals who also served in 2023:

  • Tim Chaix, R.E. Chaix and Associates
  • Jim Faley, Vela Insurance Services
  • Robert Gilbert, Markel West Insurance Services
  • Terri Moran, Paul Hanson Partners
  • Pam Quilici, Ryan Specialty
  • Charlie Rosson, USI Insurance Services
  • Terrence Villar, AmWINS