Washington Chemical Processor Fined Nearly $200K for 60-Plus Safety Violations

October 19, 2022

A manufacturing company that works with dangerous chemicals in Moses Lake, Washington, faces $192,620 in fines for 46 serious and 17 general safety and health violations.

Two Rivers Terminal LLC formulates products for agricultural fertilizer, airports, pulp and paper, and water treatment. In addition to Moses Lake, the company has plants in Pasco and Umatilla, Ore.

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries inspectors reportedly found 13 violations relating to confined space entry rules due to workers entering rail car hoppers. The employees were reportedly going in the hoppers to breakup and dislodge ammonium nitrate without appropriate safety precautions.

Inspectors also reportedly found employees working on top of rail cars and sulfur trucks without fall protection, and failing to make sure the power supply to dangerous equipment was turned off and locked so it couldn’t turn back on.

Additionally, inspectors say they found Two Rivers Terminal lacked site-specific safety programs, including an effective training program, and wasn’t requiring employees to wear respirators while working with hazardous chemicals where respirators were required.

Two Rivers Terminal has appealed the citation and fines.