Jupiter Receives $1M Grant to Accelerate California Fire Control Efforts

December 16, 2019

Predictive data and analytics firm Jupiter has received a $1 million grant from the Moore Foundation to accelerate deployment of its FireScore Operations service, a wildfire threat and intelligence platform to make it available for public safety entities throughout California.

Jupiter’s FireScore Operations is a platform for decision-support in wildfire management, integrating real-time and forecast weather, fire spread modeling and satellite observations.

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, whose mission is to foster scientific discovery, environmental conservation, patient care improvements and preservation, awarded the grant to provide Jupiter’s FireScore Operations to firefighters, emergency services and other public sector entities by June 1, 2020.

“Making FireScore Operations available for California in time for the 2020 fire season is going to save lives and property,” Rich Sorkin, CEO of Jupiter, said in a statement. “By increasing lead time for emergency management, FireScore Operations will help optimize evacuation planning, utility de-energization and prepositioning of resources, enabling emergency managers to suppress fires in their early stages and protect public safety and property. We expect all major utilities in fire-prone areas.