Hawaii Governor Signs Smartphone Proof of Insurance Bill

June 27, 2016

Hawaii Gov. David Ige approved a bill allowing Hawaii drivers to show proof of insurance with their cellphone in a traffic stop.

The decision to sign the bill met with the approval of the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America.

“Smartphones have become ubiquitous and a critical tool in managing daily activities. People want to coordinate their life using their smartphone,” Mark Sektnan, PCI vice president, said in a statement. “We shop, deposit checks and pay bills from our phones. Before HB 1705 was signed, Hawaii motorists were required to carry a physical insurance identification card with them at all times. Now Hawaii will join the vast majority of other states that provide motorists the choice to carry a paper identification card or use the electronic format.”

The signing of House Bill 1705 gives consumers the choice to use a paper insurance card or use their smartphone to show proof of coverage.

House Bill 1705 is permissive, meaning it does not require anyone to use a particular format. Insurers are also not mandated to provide electronic proof of coverage.

Hawaii is now the 46th state to enact legislation or regulations allowing electronic proof of coverage, according to PCI.
