New Mexico Immigrant Driver Licenses Drop to Low Levels

June 19, 2015 by

Records show the number of newly issued driver’s licenses to immigrants in New Mexico has plunged to its lowest level since the state began granting driving privileges to foreign nationals living in the country illegally.

State records obtained by The Associated Press showed only 4,577 licenses were issued to foreign nationals in 2014. That’s a 70 percent drop from 2010 before Gov. Susana Martinez became governor and when New Mexico issued more than 15,000 such licenses.

Records also show the number of licenses issued has been steadily declining since 2010.

There’s no clear explanation for the drop and there has been no change to state’s policy despite efforts by Martinez to repeal the law.

Officials do not know how many licenses went to immigrants illegally living in the U.S. because applicants aren’t required to submit information about their immigration status.