Downtown Los Angeles Development Consumed by Early Morning Blaze

December 8, 2014

An apartment tower that was under construction in downtown Los Angeles along with two other buildings were being consumed by large blaze that closed freeways and roads in the early morning hours of Monday while commuters were starting to make their way into the city.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Caltrans reopened the heavily traveled 101 Freeway and the southbound 110 by 4:30 a.m., and planned on reopening the 110 north by 8 a.m

Most of the fire, which broke out at around 1:20 a.m., was doused with in 90 minutes, according to the L.A. Times story.

The largest of the buildings destroyed was a 630-aparment complex. The 578,172-square foot development called Da Vinic.

Two other buildings were damaged by the fire, including external damage to one and several floors of a 16-story hour office tower were affected.