Just 10 Percent of California Car Chargers Delivered

November 22, 2013 by

A New Jersey energy company required by an unusual legal settlement to build an extensive network of electric car chargers throughout California has delivered just 10 percent of what it promised in the first year.

The settlement between NRG Energy Inc. and California energy regulators was sold as the key to jump-starting enthusiasm for the non-polluting vehicles. Their widespread adoption would help with ambitious air quality goals.

But of the 1,040 stations that NRG committed to installing by Dec. 5, only 110 are ready.

The company blames unanticipated problems, including a reluctance among owners of malls, offices and apartment buildings to provide space for the chargers.

NRG’s head of the California rollout expressed confidence that at least 10,200 stations would be installed by the end of 2016, as the settlement requires.