Crum & Forster Taps Burr as VP of California Workers’ Comp Claims

January 31, 2013

Crum & Forster hired George Burr as vice president of California workers’ compensation claims.

Burr will manage C&F’s West Coast workers’ compensation claims office located in Orange County, Calif. Burr reports to Stephen Eisenmann, senior vice president of claims.

Burr has extensive workers’ compensation claims experience, most recently serving as vice president of claims operations for Seabright Insurance Co. with responsibility for their Western claims division. Burr began his insurance career as a workers’ compensation claims adjuster with Safeco Insurance, and subsequently held a number of management roles at Safeco.

Crum & Forster is part of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited. Crum & Forster is a registered trademark of United States Fire Insurance Co.