Report: Fewer Traffic Deaths in Nevada In 2011

December 21, 2011

Despite a slight increase in pedestrian deaths, the Nevada Office of Traffic Safety says the number of people killed in traffic accidents in Nevada plunged in 2011 and will end the year at slightly more than half of the record 2006 total.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Tuesday that as of Sunday, 231 people had died this year in Nevada traffic accidents around the state. That was down 22 from the same time in 2010, and was far fewer than the record 431 fatalities in 2006.

Just 64 of the deaths involved alcohol as a factor, according to the report, or about half the 126 in 2008.

In Clark County, 105 people have died on the highways this year, down 25 for the same time span last year.

“People are getting the message,” said Traci Pearl, administrator of the Nevada Office of Traffic Safety.

She attributed the decline to more police enforcement, greater attention by motorists, less drinking and driving, and more frequent use of seat belts.

Records showed that through Sunday, 42 pedestrians had died this year in Nevada, already up from 41 in 2010. Twenty-eight of those cases were in Clark County, two fewer than in 2010.

Las Vegas was ranked the sixth most dangerous city for pedestrians in the spring by Transportation for America, an advocacy group based in Washington, D.C. It found 2.5 pedestrian deaths per 100,000 residents per year, above the 1.6 national average.

Reno reported nine pedestrian deaths, up from four in 2010.