Berte To Run AIA Western Region

January 6, 2011

The American Insurance Association (AIA) has announced that Marjorie Berte has joined the association as its new vice president for the Western Region.

Berte’s career includes experience in both the public and private sectors, most recently with the state of California, where she has served since 2007 as undersecretary for the California Business, Transportation and Housing Agency (BTH). In this capacity, she coordinated oversight of 18 departments and programs with a total budget of $18 billion while working directly on issues such as transportation, public safety, economic development, and financial services regulation.

In addition to serving as undersecretary of the BTH Agency in the Schwarzenegger administration, Berte served on the CalPERS Board of Administration and Investment Committee from 2005 to 2009. From 1998 to 2006, she worked for the California State Automobile Association in several capacities, including vice president of insurance product operations and business transformation. She served as director of the California Department of Consumer Affairs from 1995 to 1998, appointed by Governor Wilson. From 1991 to 1995, she was principal advisor on insurance to the governor.

Berte replaces Ken Gibson, who is retiring after eight years of service. She will join Steve Suchil in AIA’s Western Regional Office in Sacramento. The Western Region consists of the states of California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Hawaii and Alaska.