Rocky Mountain Insurance Association Warns Against Fireworks Hazards

July 1, 2010

Fireworks fans may get a bang for their buck as they light up the skies this Fourth of July weekend, but the unsafe use of fireworks comes with a hefty price tag — both in terms of fire property loss and injury, the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association is warning. Insurance agents should be aware that an 2008, fireworks caused an estimated 22,500 reported fires, including 1,400 total structure fires, 500 vehicle fires, and 20,600 outside and other fires. These fires resulted in an estimated one civilian death, 40 civilian injuries and $42 million in direct property damage, according to the National Fire Protection Association.

On Independence Day in a typical year, far more U.S. fires are reported than on any other day, and fireworks account for more than half of those fires, more than any other cause of fires. Wildfires are another major concern. Pyrotechnics and the hot, dry weather in the Rocky Mountain Region are a lethal combination. The risk of fire death relative to time used shows fireworks as the riskiest consumer product, RMIIA said. And the risk that someone will die from fire when fireworks are being used is higher relative to exposure time than the risk of fire death when a cigarette is being smoked. The risks with fireworks are not limited to displays, public or private. Risks also exist wherever fireworks are manufactured, transported, stored or sold.

Agents should warn their customers that “safe and sane” fireworks are neither, RMIIA said. Fireworks and sparklers are designed to explode or throw off showers of hot sparks. Temperatures may exceed 1200°F, the association warned.

Source: RMIIA