Insurance Women of Los Angeles Install New Officers

June 3, 2009

The Insurance Women of Los Angeles recently installed new officers and honored its award winners for the year.

Incoming officers are: President Christine Chandler-Tillett of Workmen’s Auto Insurance Co.; President Elect Susan Fife of Hoffman Brown Co.; Treasurer Lily Gastelum of The Rule Co.; Secretary Peggy Brennan of The Zenith Group; and Directors Darlene “Chris” Lipka (retired) and Melanie Phillipp of Heritage General Agency.

The award winners are: Sponsor of the Year Hitesh Patel; Rookie of the Year Melanie Phillipp; and Insurance Women of the Year Christine Chandler-Tillett.

Insurance Women of Los Angeles is affiliated with the National Association of Insurance Women, International (NAIW) and
is an association of insurance professionals from all walks of the insurance industry dedicated to developing future leaders
in the insurance industry.