Cambridge General Offers Logger’s Liability Insurance in California

April 3, 2009

With all of the devastating fires that have occurred in California within the past few years, Cambridge General Agency has seen an increasing need for logger’s liability insurance. This type of policy provides coverage for:

-Fire suppression expenses incurred by others for which the logger is legally liable for; and
-Property damage caused by the logger’s negligence in connection with their logging operations.

The definition of logging operations is broad. Logging operations means all operations associated with the trimming, felling, and/or removal of timber, trees, and logs from timberland, including the construction of roads and sites necessary to conduct logging operations on such lands. It also includes the ownership and management of timberlands on which logging operations are being conducted.

Acceptable classes include but are not limited to pine cone collectors, mushroom pickers, landscapers, tree trimmers, loggers, log road builders and excavators.

Cambridge’s logger’s program is written on nonadmitted paper with an A.M. Best “A” XV-rated carrier. Coverage must be written in conjunction with general liability coverage and is warranted on the policy.

For information, visit