Rate Reductions Approved for MiniCo Self-Storage Program

October 26, 2006

MiniCo Insurance has received approval for rate reductions in seven states for self-storage risks eligible for the MiniCo self-storage specialty insurance program. The seven states are Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.

Each submission will be evaluated by MiniCo’s underwriters on its individual characteristics. Agents that have an interest in obtaining a quote on a self-storage risk in one of these above-listed states should visit www.MinicoInsurance.com and complete or obtain an application. Agents with questions about an account may contact Market Development Manager Merle Harris at mharris@minico.com or 800-528-1056.

Since 1974, Phoenix-based MiniCo, Inc. has been a provider of specialty insurance programs, publications and products and services for the self storage industry.