Grange Insurance Group Partners with Identity Theft911

January 12, 2006

The Seattle-based Grange Insurance Group has partnered with Identity Theft 911 LLC to provide free identity theft resolution services to its homeowner and farmowner policyholders. Identity Theft 911 also will assist victims following disasters, such as home fires, floods, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes.

“Clearing your name after an identity theft can be a complicated and disruptive process. What most victims need is guidance, which is why we feel it’s important to offer this service to our policyholders,” said Ryan M. Dudley, President and CEO of Grange Insurance Group. “This new service will provide peace of mind for those who are victimized.”

If a person is a victim of identity theft, Identity Theft 911will assigns a personal advocate to guide the person through placing credit file fraud alerts; completing the Federal Trade Commission fraud affidavit; making phone calls to police departments, creditors, collection agencies and credit rating agencies; and setting up a case file for insurance claims and law enforcement investigations. Victims receive a full-year of credit and fraud monitoring.

In addition, Grange Insurance Group’s policyholders will have access to Identity Theft 911’s proactive educational material through