Farmers Enters Rose Bowl Parade

January 3, 2006

Farmers Insurance Group participated in the 2006 Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, Calif., the 47th year the company has participated in the parade. This year, the parade theme is “It’s Magic” and Farmers’ float is titled “Protecting Your Family.”

Farmers said its float would demonstrate the magic of a mother’s love as shown by a giant tyrannosaurus rex. The pre-historic mama, clad in a frilly apron and wielding a cooking spoon, makes it clear that “Protecting Your Family” was a primary instinct — even eons ago — as she shields her “baby” T-Rex from a pair of velociraptors.

Riding in the float were Farmers 2005 Agent of the Year, Dave Clayton of Castro Valley, California and 2005 District Manager of the Year, Jeff Hastings of Houston, Texas.