Wash. Accepts Electronic Agent Appointments, Terminations Through National Database

August 24, 2005

Insurers may now reportedly save time by submitting new appointments and terminations for current Washington OIC agents through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) Gateway.

To learn how NIPR works and to review the rules for submitting information to the national database, visit www.licenseregistry.com

Appointments will be effective the same day they are processed and may be verified using OIC’s on-line lookup. All appointment certificates will continue to be mailed to the insurer.

Insurers that would like to submit appointments or appointment terminations through the NIPR Gateway should visit www.licenseregistry.com. The WAOIC# must be used for both the company and their agent. These numbers are available at the online lookup.

Note: Electronic appointments are only accepted for current licensees. Appointments associated with new applications are part of the application process and must be submitted in paper form.