L.A. Chapter of CPCU Installs New Officers & Directors

June 16, 2003

Society Western Regional Governor Don Marwin, State Farm Group, recently installed the newly-elected officers and directors of the CPCU Society’s Los Angeles Chapter for the upcoming 2003-2004 year in Los Angeles.

New officers are president Mary King, Swett & Crawford; president-elect Tessa Lucero, Marsh Inc.; vice president Rod Simonds, Worldwide Facilities; secretary John Klaprat, Farmers Insurance Group; treasurer Paul Wagner, GeneralCologne Re; and past president James Brown; Allianz Insurance Company.

New directors are Betsey Brewer, The Rule Company; John Chesebrough, Chesebrough Associates; Eunice Downing-Jackson, Great American Insurance; Sharon Heard, Farmers Insurance Group; Fabiola Irias, THB Intermediaries; Harry Kim, Farmers Insurance Group; Paula Moss, GeneralCologne Re; Gizelda Parr, Lockton Insurance; Patricia Rosandich, The Hartford; and George Wallace, Wallace & Schwartz.

Jim Nau, National CPCU Society president, was the guest speaker following installation. Nau emphasized that employer support is one of the keys to the Society’s success. The Society’s new Strategic Plan is to increase revenue and enhance support to the members. Being a CPCU makes a difference by building a successful career with networking and leadership skills and promotes diversity. He concluded by quoting, “We judge ourselves based on our intentions; others judge us based on our actions”.

(l to r) CPCU Society Regional Governor Don Marwin, CPCU, State Farm Group, outgoing chapter president Jim Brown, CPCU, Allianz Insurance Company, incoming chapter president Mary King, CPCU, Swett & Crawford and National CPCU Society President Jim Nau, CPCU, NCCI.

Congratulating incoming LA CPCU Chapter President Mary King, CPCU,
Swett & Crawford is National CPCU Society President Jim Nau, CPCU, NCCI