CDI Announces Two New Licensing Examination Services

December 19, 2002

The California Department of Insurance (CDI) announced the addition of two new licensing examination services, On-line Examination Scheduling and Check Your Scheduled Examination Date, to its Web site at

The first service provides insurance license applicants with the ability to schedule their license examinations through the CDI Web site. This service will be available to both first-time applicants and to individuals wanting to retake or reschedule an examination. When the applicant opens the On-line Examination Scheduling Web page, they may choose the date, time and location of their examination.

CDI’s On-line Examination Scheduling service allows examinees to schedule their examination and pay the examination fees at their convenience. If seats are available, the examinee may take an examination within two days of becoming eligible instead of waiting a minimum of 10 days that is now required for CDI staff to schedule and mail the examination notices. The On-line Examination Scheduling process will dramatically reduce the time between submitting an application and taking the examination.

The second new service offered through CDI’s Web site is for insurers and applicants to check their scheduled examination date. The applicant or appointed insurer may check CDI’s Web site to confirm the examination location, date, and time of the scheduled examination. The applicant or appointed insurer can access this service by providing the name and social security number of the applicant.

The On-line Examination Scheduling and the Check Your Scheduled Examination Date services are two methods that CDI is using to expedite the services provided by the Producer Licensing Bureau to those interested in becoming insurance agents and brokers.