WCIRB Releases 2003 Basic Underwriting Manual

November 6, 2002

To facilitate the filing of insurer rates with the California Department of Insurance, the WCIRB has updated the advisory California Basic Underwriting Manual. The Basic Underwriting Manual may be viewed at http://wcirbonline.org.

The California Basic Underwriting Manual is not subject to Insurance Commissioner approval and is advisory in that insurers are neither required nor obligated to use it in developing their own under-writing rules and rating plans.

Insurers who elect to use this Manual as part of their rate filings should incorporate the information referenced below in the indicated sections or by appendices:
Short Rate Cancellation Table (Part 2, Section V);
Company Rates for Standard Classifications (Part 4); and
Other matters at the discretion of the insurer, such as deviations from the Standard Classification System.

Insurers wishing to file deviations from the Standard Classification System, as provided for in Section 2509.32(k) of Title 10 of the California Code of Regulations, should submit any deviations to the WCIRB for certification prior to submission to the Department of Insurance. This will avoid or minimize delays that may arise from the filing of a classification system different from the “uniform classification system” due to (1) incompatible codes or (2) failure to demonstrate that data can be reported consistent with the uniform classification system.