Sacramento Couple Arrested on Burglary Related Ins. Fraud

August 29, 2002

Investigators from the California Department of Insurance (CDI) arrested a Sacramento couple on two felony counts of insurance fraud for allegedly filing false claims regarding losses they suffered when their home was burglarized and one count of obtaining money by false pretenses.

Diljeet Singh, 26, was arrested and booked into the Sacramento County Jail. Satendra Singh, 35, surrendered to authorities in Sacramento County. Bail was set at $5,000 for each.

According to investigators, the Singhs claimed numerous items were stolen from their home during a burglary on March 7, 2001. Some of the items the Singhs claimed were stolen included jewelry, three sofas, curtains, disc jockey equipment and several pieces of electronic equipment.

Documents submitted to Horace Mann Insurance Company contained conflicting information regarding where the items were purchased and who purchased them. Investigators found Satendra Singh allegedly submitted altered receipts to Horace Mann Insurance Company in support of their claim and submitted a proof of loss statement for items they owned at the time of the burglary.

Satendra Singh later admitted to investigators he altered the total amount on the receipts to include an estimated price of additional items not listed in the original claim. He also stated his insurer instructed him to alter the receipts and to provide estimates of the items that were stolen.

Additionally, Diljeet Singh made several inconsistent statements in her examination under oath in support of their claim. She stated she helped her husband compile a list of stolen items to submit to the insurance company. Diljeet also stated that Satendra altered the receipts to reflect an estimated price of the items stolen.

Horace Mann Insurance Company estimates their potential loss at approximately $7,000 if the Singh’s fraudulent activities were not discovered.

If convicted, each could face up to five years in state prison and/or a maximum fine of $50,000. The Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office is prosecuting the case.