Prop. 44 Seeks to Reduce Insurance Fraud

February 12, 2002

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, two years ago, legislators passed a reform measure to reduce insurance fraud by enforcing stiffer penalties for doctors and lawyers found engaging in such criminal acts.

Legislators also wanted to include chiropractors in the measure, but were unable to due to a constitutional amendment that was approved by voters in 1922, which finally recognized the chiropractic field, despite skepticism from other doctors.

Consequently, any change in law involving chiropractic regulations must be approved by a vote of the people.

Enter Proposition 44.

The ballot measure, which voters will decide on March 5, proposes to cut back on insurance fraud by requiring the Board of Chiropractic Examiners to revoke licenses of chiropractors convicted twice of insurance fraud and other offenses for 10 years.

After the 10-year period, the chiropractor may re-apply for a license.

Supporters, which include state Senator Jackie Speier and Gordon Spencer, president of the California District Attorneys Association, feel that the measure will help crack down on insurance fraud, which costs taxpayers millions of dollars each year.

The opposition contends the ballot is unfair, interfering with a chiropractor’s right to earn a living or the people’s right to choose their own chiropractor.

The California Chiropractic Association has so far remained neutral on the measure. They are, however, working on changes to the constitutional amendment that would allow Legislature to regulate without the vote of the people.