San Diego Judge Finds ed-Light Cameras Constitutional

August 21, 2001

The American Insurance Association (AIA) applauded San Diego Superior Court Judge Ronald Styn for his recent decision to uphold the use of video cameras to catch red-light runners. AIA cautioned opponents of red-light cameras from abandoning this proven motorist/transportation safety tool.

David Snyder, AIA assistant general counsel, stated that the cameras are saving lives by changing how drivers behave at red lights. However, Snyder added that the court had found problems with the program used by San Diego where the local government did not even know that the contractor moved the sensing loops at several intersections. That lack of management by the city, Snyder continued, in combination with the particular contingency payment system, was found to be potential ground for not admitting the tickets. He said the issue will not be resolved until a hearing on Aug. 31.

Snyder also noted that in view of side air bags only now being installed in cars — collisions at intersections are some of the most violent car crashes that can occur. He said that red-light cameras have been found to reduce driving violations by 40 percent and have cut right-angle collisions by 32 percent and resulting injuries by 10 percent.