Safeco Select Forms New Optional Products Program

January 30, 2001

Safeco Select Insurance Services, a member of the Safeco Corp., announced that it has formed a new Optional Products Program to be marketed to financial institutions seeking new opportunities for fee income. Through sophisticated direct marketing methods, the new program provides lenders a significant new source of fee income by mass-marketing to their customers a variety of mortgage life and accidental death insurance programs, as well as personal homeowners and auto coverages.

Special membership programs that provide lenders’ customers numerous benefits and services related to their personal finances, healthcare and household needs are also offered under the program. And the entire solicitation process is handled from beginning to end, with minimal lender involvement required.

Headquartered in Santa Ana, Safeco Select is a leader in lender-placed hazard insurance products and services. For more information on Safeco Select’s new Optional Products Program, call (800) 548-3223 or visit