Insurers Request for Ruling on Northridge Claim Extension Refused

December 4, 2000

The California Supreme Court last week refused to rule in a case brought forward by several insurance groups that contested the constitutionality of a state law giving Northridge earthquake victims an additional year to reopen damage claims. Parties involved in the filing of the petition seeking the court’s action include the Association of California Insurance Companies, the Personal Insurance Federation of California and the National Association of Independent Insurers.

The court provided no explanation for its decision to decline the case. The law was passed in reaction to the scandal which erupted earlier this year with respect to alleged secret deals between former California Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush and six insurance companies following the Northridge quake.

Ellis Horvitz, an attorney representing the insurance groups, further stated that his clients had not yet decided to pursue the issue by filing an appeal directly with the U.S. Supreme Court.