Florida Comp Workshop on Physician Dispensing Rules Moved to November

October 6, 2022

The Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation has rescheduled two workshops on proposed rules governing physician dispensing of medications.

The workshops were set for Sept. 29 but were postponed due to the arrival of Hurricane Ian across much of Florida last week. The sessions, to be in-person-only in Tallahassee, were postponed again after a scheduling conflict with an October industry conference. The new date and time is Nov. 1 at 9:30 a.m. for health care provider responsibilities, and 2 p.m. for insurer authorization. Both will be at 1579 Summit Lake Drive in Tallahassee.

Rules on physician dispensing have been a point of contention for years in Florida. With the latest proposal, the DWC is essentially starting over, after insurance companies challenged a 2020 bulletin from the state Department of Financial Services. The bulletin appeared to authorize dispensing, without the department going through the normal rulemaking process.

Workers’ compensation insurers have said that physician dispensing is not unlike self-dealing when doctors own the pharmacy providing the meds, and it allows higher charges and few safeguards on drug conflicts or overuse by patients.