South Carolina Makes $2.2 Million Available for 2022 Wind Mitigation Grants

June 30, 2022

Some $1.1 million will be made available to South Carolina homeowners for wind mitigation grants starting Friday, July 1, the state Department of Insurance said in a bulletin.

Another $1.1 million will be offered in December, if funds are available. Both rounds are funded mostly by insurance companies as established by a 2017 law, the department said.

In the first round for 2022, the Safe Home Mitigation Grant Program will provide up to $4,000 in matching grants, to be matched by homeowners, or $5,000 in non-matching grants.

“Grant award amounts are based on the cost of the mitigation project and the total annual adjusted gross household income of the applicant, adjusted for family size relative to the county area median income or the state median family income, whichever is higher,” the department’s bulletin notes.

Applicants whose income does not exceed 80% of the median income for their county will be eligible for the larger, non-matching grants.

Applications can be made at the website. Questions can be sent via email to

The program is similar to home-hardening programs in some other coastal states. Florida, for example, now offers up to $10,000 in grants for making homes more resistant to hurricane damage.