Is Hyperbaric Therapy a Fire Risk? North Carolina Authorities Say It Is

June 28, 2022

The Raleigh, North Carolina, Fire Department has ordered a wellness company to stop offering an oxygen-rich hyperbaric therapy treatment because of the fire risk.

Officials with Restore Hyper Wellness tell the Raleigh News and Observer they are working with city and state fire marshals to bring back the service, called mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

The city shut the service down after a fire inspector visited the clinic and said there was no fire suppression system. The business disputes that one is needed.

The newspaper reports that regulators across the country have taken varied stances on the therapy, which is increasing in popularity.

The treatment halted in Raleigh involves increased oxygen and air pressure, which can increase the risk of severe fire.

Proponents say the treatment is valuable for wound healing and other conditions, though critics say its benefits are unproven in some areas.

Charlotte’s fire department blocked the therapy earlier this month as well.