Judge to Appoint Mediator in Surfside Condo Claims

October 8, 2021

A Florida judge overseeing parts of the aftermath of the deadly collapse of a condominium building in Surfside said this week that a mediator will be appointed to sort through claims.

Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Michael Hanzman said at a hearing that he is hoping to avoid a bitter and lengthy battle over insurance and other compensation claimed by victims’ families and condo owners. The goal is to develop a plan to distribute money from the planned sale of the Champlain Towers South site, and from insurance payouts and any lawsuit proceeds, according to the Associated Press and local news reports.

The 12-story beachfront condominium collapsed in the early morning of June 24, killing 98 people. The cause has not been identified, but the building needed millions of dollars in critical repairs, residents and engineers have said.