North Carolina Sets Oct. 31 Continuing Education Deadline After COVID Delay

October 7, 2020

All licensed insurance producers and adjusters operating in North Carolina with a continuing education compliance period that ended in February, March, April, May and June 2020 must complete the state mandated CE requirements by Oct. 31, 2020 or face having their license expire, according to a bulletin from the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI).

For those with a compliance period that ends in July, August, September, October and November 2020, an extension will be granted through Dec. 31, 2020 in order to meet the state mandated CE requirements. If the CE requirements are not met by December 31, 2020, licenses will expire.

Each licensees CE deadline month is based on birth date and the requirements also include North Carolina nonresident adjusters with NC as the Designated Home State (DHS).

The CE deadline for North Carolina producers and adjusters, including nonresident adjusters with North Carolina as the designated home state (DHS) was extended earlier this year in response to the COVID-19 emergency. CE courses approved for classroom deliver were able to be offered via webinar without requiring the insurance CE provider to refile the courses for a different presentation method. Providers should monitor attendance, NCDOI said, and are required to report the CE credits for classes taken by licensees to the department’s CE administrator CE administer, Prometric.

North Carolina licensees are state-mandated to complete 24 hours of continuing education on a biennial basis, including the mandatory ethics and flood hours. As of Sept. 30, 2020, NCDOI said 5,014 licensees had not met their CE requirement. The status had not been changed for licensees who expire October through December.

NCDOI said licensees can receive 4 hours of free CE credit from flood workshops, which can also be taken to meet the insurance producer and adjuster flood CE requirement that must be met every other compliance period.

Source: North Carolina Department of Education