North Carolina Study: Black Drivers Twice as Likely to be Stopped by Police

August 10, 2020

A state study shows that Black drivers in North Carolina are stopped by police at more than twice the rate of white drivers.

The Raleigh News & Observer reported Wednesday that roughly 25 out of 100 Black drivers were stopped by police in 2019. The same year, roughly 12 out of 100 white drivers were pulled over.

The numbers were released by the N.C. Criminal Justice Analysis Center. The center is part of the Governor’s Crime Commission, which collects and interprets data to help inform criminal justice policy.

The study dug into various metrics. For instance, traffic stops declined over the last decade. But disparities remained.

The rate of white people being pulled over fell by 28% between 2009 and 2019. The rate dropped 15% for Black people.

The study also found that white drivers were stopped for speeding more frequently. Police stopped Black drivers more frequently for vehicle regulatory violations.