Alabama Truck Driving School Accused of Bribing Examiners

August 9, 2019

An Alabama truck driving school owner has been charged with bribing a license examiner to show favoritism toward his students.

News outlets report 72-year-old James Welburn was indicted and arrested July 25. He’s charged with conspiracy, bribery and wire fraud offenses. Welburn owns American Truck Driving Academy in Lee County.

U.S. Attorney Louis V. Franklin Sr. says Welburn paid an examiner to show preferential treatment toward his students. The bribed examiner allegedly tested students who hadn’t possessed their learner’s permit for at least 14 days, tested more than five students a day and refrained from testing students on certain trucking maneuvers the students couldn’t perform. Franklin says Welburn paid the examiner $25 per student.

If convicted, Welburn faces prison time, monetary penalties and restitution.