AmWINS Names Downey Chief Administrative Officer

September 27, 2018

Charlotte, N.C.-based AmWINS Group, Inc., a global distributor of specialty insurance products and services, has appointed Kristin L. Downey as chief administrative officer, effective immediately.

Downey will be responsible for leading the firm’s human resources, training & development, marketing, and communications functions. She will also lead the company’s philanthropic efforts, including the recently formed AmWINS Foundation.

Kristin Downey

Downey has served as executive vice president of Human Resources since 2002 and recently took over responsibility for the group’s marketing and communications team.

AmWINS Group, Inc. is an independent wholesale distributor of specialty insurance products serving retail insurance agents by providing property and casualty products, specialty group benefit products and administrative services. Based in Charlotte, N.C., the company operates through more than 115 offices globally and handles premium placements in excess of $15.3 billion dollars annually.